Only crafted by Montecristo's finest rollers, every element of the Montecristo Epic Vintage 2012 has been given meticulous personal attention to ensure consumers receive an unparalleled white glove Montecristo premium cigar experience.
The Montecristo Nicaragua is a rich and complex tasting cigar, with a medium to full boded flavor profile. Hand-crafted by AJ Fernandez in Nicaragua, Montecristo Nicaragua delivers a memorable smoking experience using only aged tobaccos from Nicaragua.
A mainstay in the cigar world, the Montecristo white series is a wonderful cigar for both experienced and new smokers. While mild, the cigar is filled with flavor sure to entrance any who smoke it.
The War Hawk cigar is aptly named, as it is a bit rebellious in going against its own tradition by not using a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper as do most other Henry Clay brands. This cigar is a complex blend, boasting unique flavors, with plenty of spice.