Crafted by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust, this cigar is a unique creation inspired by the traditional Japanese sweets known as wagashi, particularly the yōkan, which is a rectangular block-type dessert.
Perdomo 30th Anniversary Box-Pressed encapsulates not only the essence of the Perdomo team’s dedication to the finest quality and craftsmanship, but it also represents their longstanding commitment to their cherished patrons.
Mi Querida (pronounced “me kay-ree-dah”) literally translates as “my dearest”, however it is a rather provocative word within Nicaragua used to expressly describe your secret mistress.
Ideal for the smoker seeking depth, flavor, and a memorable journey, Fasa Noche is a standout addition to the CAO portfolio, promising an exceptional cigar that captivates with every puff.
Love Punch but need something a little more mellow sometimes? Looking for an affordable, balanced, lighter cigar that still has that Punch swagger and price point? Morning coffee smoke? Golf smoke? Your search is over. Meet Knuckle Buster Shade.
James Hetfield of Metallica shares his excitement stating, “‘Shade to Black’ is more than just a cigar for us, it’s a celebration of passion and a tribute to the craftsman who strives for excellence in their lives.”