Avo's legacy captured in every format, with tobacco aged for at least six years, artistically woven into each cigar. A remarkably smooth, yet richly complex medium-bodied composition balanced with notes of wood, spice, dry and sweet fruit.
James Hetfield of Metallica shares his excitement stating, “‘Shade to Black’ is more than just a cigar for us, it’s a celebration of passion and a tribute to the craftsman who strives for excellence in their lives.”
In 1946, Zino Davidoff created cigars inspired by wine, selecting blends based on soil and climate. Like red wine with three main grapes, these cigars featured three fillers. This concept evolved into the Davidoff Grand Cru line we know today.
The Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Chef Special 2024 is a premium cigar that has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail and quality. It features a 6 x 54 toro oval shape, which is a first for the Chef Special series!
The My Father Fonseca Mexico Edition cigar is a unique blend that showcases the rich heritage and innovation of the Fonseca brand, now under the stewardship of My Father Cigars.