Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s wine-cigar analogy in 1946, Davidoff Grand Cru is a sophisticated blend using the finest tobacco leaves from carefully selected terroirs; a selection process similar to that of wine-making.
Escurio is a unique blend that combines Davidoff signature tobaccos and Brazilian tobaccos from the Bahia region. The Brazilian tobaccos (Mata Fina and Cubra) bring sweetness and spiciness.
Davidoff Nicaragua stimulates in both a sweet and bitter way. The cigar offers intense flavors typical for Nicaraguan cigars combined with the perfect construction and balance of a Davidoff cigar.
Among Imported Cigars those from Nicaragua continue to lead the way every year - Davidoff's box-pressed Nicaraguans are among the highest rated since launch in 2016.
A rich blend crafted of tobaccos aged in the finest Scotch whisky casks. The cigar is suffused with a unique complexity, depth and most heady flavors, stimulating your palate and the conversation at the same time.
Grown in the Yamasá region of the Dominican Republic. It took Davidoff Master Blenders 20 years to tame the unforgiving, raw, red soil of the Yamasá region.
Each format of Davidoff Millennium is made with a unique wrapper from Ecuador, which delivers a complex, yet refined taste. It took the Master Blenders 300 trials before they declared number 151 as the one reaching their demanding standards.